Friday, December 19, 2008

We are home!!

There were no flight problems coming home, actually all our flights were on time. I am glad we came home on yesterday since Detroit had 8 inches of snow today. One day would have made it a lot more difficult with the news reporting that about 1000 flights were cancelled today due to bad weather. It was fun to be welcomed at the airport by Bonita, Angela's family, and Paster Lori. Anna loved the signs at the airport so much that we let have her wish of being in charge of the signs here at the house. My parents came over today for a short visit since going to the airport at night would be too hard on Dad.
my mom was able to hold Grace without any crying (from Grace) which is better than she did for other family members at the airport. Anna is still not asleep, and I hear her coming down the stairs. I let her sit with me for a few minutes. Now Grace is awake because she threw up in bed. Grace has a cold and the coughing causes her to throw up easily. I think I better go-I will post more tomorrow.

1 comment:

catbertie said...

Welcome Home!! Let us know when you are up to vistors (in a few weeks....)