Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday was full of new things...

Thursday was full of new things...

Today we started with giving Grace her first bath in a hotel, and Anna
was the helper as always. Grace enjoyed the bath by clapping her
hands, and after Anna showed her several times how to splash the water
she got brave enough to splash the water a little. We spent almost 3
hours out and about on a shopping tour of downtown this morning and
purchasing a tea set, pearls, DVD's, and some traditional dress for
the girls. Near the end of shopping, we noticed that Grace had a new
tooth since yesterday. It either broke through in the night or this
morning. We did notice some drooling this morning and were glad we
gave her some Tylenol for the discomfort before we went shopping. Now,
Grace has one tooth on the bottom and both of her top front teeth.

This afternoon Anna and I had a special lunch date at Lucy's (American
food) as Daddy stayed home for Grace's nap. Even though Anna is great
with Grace, she is missing my full attention which is causing some
normal jealousy. Another new thing was the pool at the White Swan
Hotel. It was the warmest day at 79 degrees so we decided that if we
were to go to the outside pool it would be today. Anna has been
begging since we arrived here in Guangzhou to visit the pool. The
outside pool is not heated and the water was a cold 62 degrees. Anna
was still in and out of the pool for a half and hour or so.

After such a busy day we should have been smart enough to know
carry-out would be better for dinner than going to a restaurant. Well,
we were not that smart as we walked across the street for Chinese food.
In our defense, we did carry-out last night and this was a close
restaurant that we went to during our last visit. Before the food
came, it was our first time with both kids having a major break down at
the same time in a public place. Fortunately, there was only one other
family in the restaurant at the time, and they also had an adopted
girl. Things did settle down and the food was good. The girls were
both asleep before 8pm, and I need to go to bed soon because it will be
another early morning without a doubt. Today started at 4:30 am for
Anna, and Grace slept in to 5:45. Oh, what will tomorrow bring? Maybe
less new things is a good idea!!


Anonymous said...

Roy & Debra--Your girls are beautiful and they look so happy together. We continue to pray for your family as you experience "new" things each day. Can't wait to meet baby Grace and see Big Sister Anna. Sending our love to all of you. The Dyar's Michelle, Eric & Carter.

Auntie B said...

Alexis will be able to sympathize with Grace's quick gag reflex. Hope that gets better with time. I think Anna has been a huge help with things. Changing diapers - wow!

catbertie said...

You know....Lucy was great at gagging and throwing up as a baby too. Maybe a Guangdong thing!! Good to see all of you looking great!