Friday, December 12, 2008

Early Saturday morning

I am the only one up at 5am and feel very refreshed since neither of the girls had me up in the night. I had a solid 7 hours of sleep in one stretch - WONDERFUL!!

Here is a little more information about yesterday. Anna loves her little sister and is gentle and attentive with caring for her. However, Anna is having trouble seeing Mommy giving so much attention to Grace (normal behavior in this situation), and I feel the brunt of that with poor behavior. Anna started breaking out in a little hives yesterday, and I know it is just stress from the changes. She ate nothing new that day for breakfast or lunch so I don't think it is an allergic reaction to food. I gave her some Benedryl and try to give her lots of attention. Anna has never had hives before so I know she is having a tough time. Patience, patience on my part is easier with some sleep so I think it will be a better day.

The other 2 families are doing well. (Thanks for asking Millie.) Ella is eating better and giggles in the van sometimes. Katie has the biggest smile and laughs so loud. Just yesterday is the first time we have been able to get Grace to laugh at all. Grace is a happy baby and likes to play by babbling and clapping her hands, but it was nice to hear a giggle too. Every day she is opening up a little more. Grace seem to enjoy going out and seeing new things. Every tour we have taken she is very curious and has perfect behavior. (Only moms may want to read this next part...) Poopies improved yesterday for Grace. Grace's BM's had been so hard that it hurt her so much, but with more juice and a "baby tea Chinese remedey" Grace is doing much better as of last night.

Today is my birthday. I have the best gift in the world, my family is complete!


Caitlin said...

I don't think Anna and Grace could be any cuter! I smile the entire time I read one of your entries and look at the pictures...I am just so darn happy about how happy you are! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!

catbertie said...

Happy Birthday Debra!! How does it feel to finally reach 21!!!

Mac said...

Happy Birthday! Yes, you definitely have a wonderful reason to celebrate, and to only be 21 on top of that!lol I think Cat has been 21 forever:)
I think Anna will be just fine. It's normal for her to have these feelings and she seems to be so loving towards Grace.
I love seeing pictures of both of them as well as Katie and Ella! Grace seems to have such a little personality on her. I love her facial expressions:)
Ella looks like she's feeling better and is such a little doll. Katie is ALWAYS smiling, what a happy,adorable little baby. They're all just adorable.

Have a wonderful birthday!