Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hoping for a better night

Last night was a bad one at our house. It was 6:30 am until I had my first sleep for the night. Unfortunately, Anna is having lots of trouble with the time change adjustment. Grace takes about 3 naps a day and sleeps a few hours at night if she is not throwing up in her bed. Grace has been throwing up at least a couple times a day which I think is gag reflex and having a cough. I started making her bottles a little thicker to see if that would help since I am wondering if she is getting liquid in her lungs. I am not trying foods other than congee (rice porridge) because she has such trouble with gagging. Sometimes she will throw up immediately after a bottle, but it can be a half hour or two or three hours after a bottle when she throws up. I have an appointment with Grace's doctor on Monday so it will be good to brainstorm with him and hear his ideas. Grace is pretty good natured even though a couple more teeth are cutting since leaving China. She definitely wants to me held lots so that is what I am getting done here. We are thinking of going to church tomorrow if we have a decent night, but we will see how we feel in the morning.

1 comment:

catbertie said...

I hope your doc's appointment went well and you were able to figure out something for Grace. Lucy had similar gag problems her first year home - again another Guangdong baby thing????

Let us know if you need anything!! (even a break, we have experience!!!)