Saturday, December 13, 2008

Great Birthday for Mommy

Saturday morning, Ann talked in a very grown-up way about her emotions. She told me that she has a million different emotions all at the same time where sometimes is doesn't like Grace and Mommy and sometimes she loves us. I let her talk and know that this is all normal. I was so proud of Anna for being able to express herself so well. Anna still has always been gentle and kind with Grace even if the other emotions are present.

Today was the first day Grace showed up that she could stand up in her crib on her own as Anna and her played in the crib together. It is also the first day we got BIG laughs from Grace when we blew air/raspberries on her tummy.

I had a great birthday celebration! The White Swan Hotel brought a cake up to the room with a red rose since our coordinator told the hotel it was my birthday. This evening the 6 families went to dinner together, and it was fun to hear how the 3 families from the other providence were doing now that we are all at the White Swan Hotel to finish the paperwork. I included pictures of the other 3 families at the hotel breakfast this morning.

We are doing well and tomorrow is a free day with no paperwork or tours.

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